Friday, July 23, 2010

High Seas Expedition-what a God Sighting!!!

If you weren't able to attend or participate in this years VBS at Good Shepherd, you really missed some amazing God Sightings. Children age 2-years-old through high school, working together and building relationships with each other and with God.

This year at VBS we had over 70 volunteers. Approximately half of them were junior high, high school and college students! What a great testimony to they younger children of God's great love for them. To see so many older kids get together to make VBS a great experience.

This past week, together we learned that God's Word is True, His Word is Comforting, Surprising, Life-Changing and for Everyone! Every day had a different Bible point that repeated over and over throughout the evening. Each time the kids heard the Bible point they'd shout "Let's Go!"

Because of the great staff I had this year, I was able to walk around and participate. As I watched the children really get into the story time, craft, game and even the snack, I was able to see God at work in their lives. I'd like to share a few of the comments the children shared with me during the week.

"Did you see that! God was here!" said a 6-year-old girl. "God is always with us," I said. "Yaw, I know, she said, "but tonight I really saw him!"

"Jesus died, but he's still alive?" asked a 5-year-old boy. "Yep, isn't that cool?" his crew leader replied. "Yaw, but I wish my dad was still alive," he said. "Well, that's the best part,"she said. "Because Jesus died for us and still lives, we get to do the same thing and see those who went to live with Jesus before us. What do you think about that?" "I think that is really neat," he said.

"Thank you for VBS! I didn't know God was fun!"

"Thanks for letting us make snack for the rest of the group! It was fun to serve."

"I can't wait to read more of this story about Paul. Where is it again?"

"So even when I don't do things right, Jesus still likes me?" asked an 8-year-old girl. "That is why God sent him to die for us," I said. "None of us ALWAYS do things right. Not only does he still like you but he loves you all the time." She replied, "that really makes me feel alot better." I said, "I'm glad. All you need to do is tell Jesus you're sorry when you don't do things right and he'll forgive you. Try your best but remember that he gave his life for your sin." "Thanks!" she replied.

There are many more comments I could share with you. I know the Crew Leaders (adults or teenagers who led a team of 3 to 5 kids through the stations this week) could share even more. If you know someone who served at VBS, ask them for a God Sighting. You'll be amazed at what you hear!

Thank you for your support. Please start praying for next years VBS, PandaMania, July 17-21, 2011!

Kelli Kirk

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