Wednesday, November 25, 2009

GSLC Milestone House Lease Signed !

Yes! Monday, November 23, 2009 T.H.E. Milestone House became reality. Praise God for moving this project along at record speed by bringing together Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, The Youth Mentor Project and several government agencies including Sandy City Housing. December 1, the five youth, 18 and 19 year olds, will be moving into T.H.E. Milestone House. T.H.E. Milestone House is a model program; a two year project that will be carefully monitored and described to provide a model for other shared houses for foster youth in transition.

Experience clearly shows that without a safe place to live there is little chance for youth to hold a job, attend school, build lasting relationships or stay out of trouble. This Thanksgiving I thank God and all our wonderful volunteers for helping to make this vision a reality for these youth.

Thanks and praise,

P. Christine

Good Shepherd Christmas Stocking

Lord, when did we see you hungry? (Matthew 25:37-40)

At Good Shepherd we have a dedicated fund to help the members of our congregation who are in financial need. We call it "The Christmas Stocking."

As long as I have been at Good Shepherd, at least 17 years, every Christmas we literally hung a red Christmas Stocking (like the one in the photo) on the back wall of the sanctuary next to the wood-cut image of of the face of Jesus (made by Preston Luck) and the baptismal fount. This Christmas stocking was the brainchild and personal project of Kathy Engeness, a small ball of endless energy, a retired secretary for the Pentagon, who has since gone on to be with the Lord. People would place checks and cash in the stocking, in addition, to their offering in the plate. The monies gathered, then, in the stocking would be used to help those members who were in financial difficulty.

Since those early years, "The Christmas Stocking" has now become dedicated account to which people give throughout the year, not just during the Christmas season, to assist our members in need. The hanging of the stocking is more symbolic than functional, serving as a reminder of the needs of our people all throughout the year. Now people just note on envelopes or checks that they want to give to The Christmas Stocking.

Your donations to "The Christmas Stocking" are used exclusively for Good Shepherd members. To help others, we have another account, "The Samaritan Account" that assists those in need from our community. Both are different from our benevolence accounts, which is a tithe of all that we receive in the General Fund that is then allocated to local and foreign missions and missionaries to help with the advance of the gospel and God's kingdom through evangelistic and humanitarian work.

The Christmas stocking has been used to help with rent, mortgages, utilities, clothing, food, medications, Christian counseling, car and home repairs -- whatever is the most pressing need. These are free gifts to the families and individuals, although almost all who have received have out of gratitude, when they are able, replenished the fund for others. Others give to The Christmas Stocking out of an awareness of those in need. As long as there is money in this account, we are able to help our church family members.

As you tithe to the general fund of the church, I would encourage you to consider a little extra to give to "The Christmas Stocking." It is in keeping with the Christian heritage of the origin of Christmas stockings, when Bishop Nicholaus of Myra secretly gave a stocking of money to a poor father of three children in their time of need. Look for the stocking near the baptismal fount. Let's celebrate the joy of Christmas all year long.

- Pastor Jeff

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Where do you see God?

Last week, I headed out of town for an effective communicator conference in Colorado. As I enjoyed the beautiful ride from the airport in Denver to Group Publishing in Loveland, my neighbor - two seats away - tapped me on my shoulder and said, "Mrs. Kirk, you probably don't remember me but, we sat together at a LifeTree Cafe experience at last years conference and you shared that your mom has Alzheimer's Disease. I just wanted to let you know that I have been praying for you and your mom all year and I wanted to know how you are both doing."

That 5 minute conversation was enough to remind me how self centered I can be and how good God is. I hadn't thought of this beautiful young girl again after our conversation in 2008 yet she had been praying for me all year. What a blessing!

As I recounted the story later to my co-workers, I couldn't help but feel humble and blessed. I know it was God who sparked this near stranger to pray for me and ultimately comfort me while I was away from overseeing my mothers care for 4 days.

It's in these brief opportunities we are reminded that God is ever present and always working in our lives.

Where do you see God? In our busy-busy, go-go-go, 24-7-365 lifestyle, it seems harder to recognize the times when God is finding us and speaking to us. I can't wait to see how the life of the GSLC congregation will change when we each start seeing God at work in our lives every day!


Kelli Kirk

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Vietnam Needs Met

Children of Peace International Fundraiser

Praise the Lord for the recent fundraiser and auction for COPI (Nov. 7, 2009) at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Sandy, UT which raised approximately $45,000 to support children at risk in Vietnam!

Money was raised to provide:

  • 7 college scholarships for one year ($200 x 7)
  • 250 scholarships for indigenous children ($35 x 250)
  • 20 scholarships for girls to attend boarding school in Sapa ($100 x 20)
  • Support for K'Hor community for one year ($2500)
  • Support for local Vietnamese medical mission team ($200 x 10 trips)
  • 50 Scholarships for Pediatric nurses to study English (50 x $25)
  • 15 industrial sewing machines for Hanoi Vocational School for disabled students (15 x $250)
Additional support went to the children at Compassionate Home in Van Giao, Nam Dinh. An orphanage in Van Giao was built to accommodate the children who lose their parents to the yearly floods.

You can find out more about Children of Peace International (COPI) by visiting

The light that shines brightly oversees also shines brightly at home.

- Pastor Jeff