Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sweet Life Cafe Women's Retreat

At the Sweet Life Cafe Retreat, May 21-23 at Camp Pinecliff, women not only enjoyed each others company...they also received a little "food for the heart." We all have times when we feel like we don't have anything left to give. And sometimes it goes beyond a feeling. We literally have no more money, no more energy, no more time, no more compassion, no more patience. We are empty!

At this retreat we were able to recharge and refuel. We discovered that Jesus is the bread of life and can fill us back up. Taking time to sit at His feet and spend time with Him allows us the nourishment we need to continue to serve others; our friends, family, church and community.

We participated in "Sweet Talk" getting to know each other in small groups by answering questions about fun, silly and interesting times of our lives. We enjoyed "Savory Moments" where we discovered the importance of slowing down and "savoring" time with God through personal prayer and reflection. We also worked together in "Spicy Service" making flavorful gifts of love. Each woman at the retreat made a gift of cinnamon pancake mix wrapped in a towel to be given to a woman who might be hungry (literally or spiritually). We were told to spend time in prayer, asking God to show us who most needed to receive this gift of love. I can't wait to hear from the women who attend where God led them to give away their gifts.

It was a joy to be a part of this time of renewal and to get to know the 40+ women who were able to attend. Together we ate delicious meals and snacks, studied God's word, spent time in prayer, did some hiking, napping, crafting and crying. Mostly we just enjoyed building relationships with each other and with our Savior. Each woman in attendance, for one reason or another, was a God Sighting to me!

Thanks to all who attended the retreat and to the families who supported them so they were able to come.

God is good, look around today! What is your God Sighting?

Kelli Kirk

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