Thursday, April 15, 2010

Are You Listening?

Denise Petersen and I were blessed to attend a conference at Group Publishing in Loveland, Colorado a couple of weeks ago. At the conference we had the ability to pray for our ministries and for our congregation. We were told to ask God for a family to pray for and write down their name.

We both sat quietly while God gave us a family name. Individually, we wrote down the name and spent time in prayer for this family and for other concerns that were on our list.

Later in the day, as we discussed the experience we both noticed that we had written down the same family name. Initially, when God gave us the name we both said to ourselves (and to God), "nah, they don't need our prayers." But clearly, God knew they did and kept bringing the same family name to mind for both of us.

When we returned to Utah from Colorado, we discovered that the family we'd written down did, indeed, need our prayers. Unbeknown to us their young son had been having small seizures and had gone in for testing. The tests came back normal and we are still praying.

The moral of the story? Even when we are certain that we know better, God knows what we need!

Humbly yours,
Kelli Kirk


  1. Amazing! God is not only good, He is GREAT!

  2. We did need your prayers and are thankful for them and to have such a amazing church family!
    Thank you
    Kristi Shinall
