Monday, October 4, 2010

LCMC Gathering 2010

Pastor Jeff, Pastor James, Jen Cook, Kelli Kirk and myself have traveled to Golden Valley, Minnesota to attend the 2010 LCMC Annual Gathering at Calvary Lutheran Church. The Gathering opened with a wonderful worship service at Calvary with a wonderful message from the lead Pastor from Calvary followed be a tremendous time of altar rail prayer, totally felt like being at home. For me however God has really blessed me through the encouraging and challenging words of Efrem Smith on the entire chapter of Matthew 25. It would take too long to go into great detail however I will simply say that the LCMC is the right place for Good Shepherd to be. God began a wonderful work in the Good Shepherd family and He will continue to move is forward into His awesome plan. It is a deep joy to be serving amongst the people of Good Shepherd, a people that are not afraid to jump over the stumbling blocks and hurdles that we find along the way. I look forward to retuning home and being with Good Shepherd with a renewed sense of purpose and zeal for ministry in the Salt Lake Valley.

More will be posted from Golden Valley in the days and hours ahead. For those who want to see and hear more, you can watch a video stream from the gathering at .