God is constantly at work around us, all we need to do is pay attention and we will see Him. The following blog is an ongoing account of how the people of Good Shepherd in Sandy, UT are seeing God at work around them.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Paul and the Underground Church KidZone Lock In
If you lived in ancient Rome, the oldest living male in the family held the title of paterfamilias. The paterfamilias, which means father of the family, had the final say in pretty much everything--a privilege called patria potestas, or paternal power. If a father didn't want a child, patria potestas gave him the right to have the child killed by exposure (simply setting the baby out in the street). A father could sell his children into slavery, stop his child from marrying, or make his child marry. As you can imagine, the image of a loving, compassionate father may have been a little vague back then.
Consider the power in Paul's words in Romans 8:38: "...nothing can ever separate us from God's love." Paul describes a tender, compassionate Heavenly Father who wraps his children in a strong and never-ending love. To Romans, who may have lived in fear of authority figures, this was a revolutionary idea.
Unconditional love is still a concept people struggle with. It seems illogical that God would love us so completely, so perfectly, even when we're imperfect. But Paul passionately proclaims that even death can't separate us from God's powerful love.
Because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, God's love truly is always with us! This is what the children attending the KidZone lock in on January 23-24 learned. They were guided in celebrating God's powerful love for his people by traveling through ancient Rome. They visited the Apostle Paul, who was under house arrest and chained to his guard Brutus. Paul showed them many of the letter's he had written. Letters inspired by God. Paul sent the children through the streets of Rome (the KidZone hallways) to the Underground Church, where they met Marcus and Lucia, two members of the church who were hiding in a cave, afraid of discovery by the Roman guard.
By the end of the night, the children learned of the great sacrifice the early church made so that we can worship today. They discovered that there are still people in the world who have to hide to worship God, and they learned to pray for the oppressed. And before they went to bed, Brutus, Paul's Roman guard, accepted Jesus as his personal Savior! With God all things are possible :)
What a God sighting, to watch the children learn and understand that God's love is a gift, and that His love is, indeed, always with us!
Kelli Kirk
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A Gift of Love with the Grizzlies
Thursday, January 21, 2010
God is our Healer
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Look and Listen
It might seem strange to list a funeral as a God sighting but many have said Susan Jardine's funeral was one. During Susan's Celebration of Life at Good Shepherd the microphone was opened to anyone who wanted to share. Many got up to speak and all were memorable in their stories about sharing time with Susan. Some told of her faith and courage during cancer treatments, others her devotion to God, many reported her steady kindness and love for children. Then 12 year old
With love,
Pastor Christine
Friday, January 8, 2010
How God is Working in Our Life!
Matthew got a paper back from his teacher that had 100% on it, upon reviewing the paper he realized that he actually had one wrong. The grade had already be posted and he could have kept quiet but he got up and told her that he has really missed one! I am so proud of him for doing the right thing.
Teresa Kashuba
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Lord Provides!
O give thanks, for the Lord is good! (Psalm 103)
Our final numbers for 2009 (unreconciled) indicate that we met and exceeded our budget. This is amazing considering the economy last year. Many of our people lost their jobs, yet people were very generous with their time, talents, money, and possessions.
We started a whole new ministry (The Milestone) to young adults who are "aging out" of the foster-care program -- and this was an unbudgeted ministry item. Even then, we were able to give more than we ever have to people in need in our community and within our congregation. Just when we thought we might have to reduce ministries because of lack of funding, we were able to increase it.
May we credit this good news of meeting the budget to the work of God in our lives? As we took our eyes off of ourselves and responded to God's love and generosity by being loving and generous, we experienced something wonderful -- joy through the work of the Holy Spirit.
There is a profound joy in giving to bless others. Jesus said, "If you lose your life for the sake of the gospel and for me, you will find it" (Matthew 10:39). Thank you, Lord, for demonstrating your truth in our lives.
-- Pastor Jeff